Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Vaccines- English Graffiti Album Review

So i'm like the tiniest bit behind with this album review but I felt it was one that needed doing because since the lead up to it coming out and after I have just fell deeper and deeper in love with it.
From the moment it begins to finishing it is such an energy filled, loud and incredibly upbeat album. Even down to the slower more fist pump type just perfection.
It stays true to the work The Vaccines have done before and I have to say this is the best they have ever done, don't get me wrong I love all the old favourites 'Norgaard, Teenage Icon, Wetsuit' but this feels so much more new and slightly different to what they have brought out before, I'm even quite controversial in the fact that I preferred even their last album to their first but that is just a personal opinion.
The album kicks off with Handsome which was probably the song that I almost immediately fell in love with I mean how could you not after the immediate start 'Oh god, Oh god, Oh god, Oh god, Oh god, oh god, oh god they're gonna eat me up for breakfast' and I completely love the wit and humour that comes with their lyrics.
Personally the first 4 songs are absolutely flawless and are my favourites off the album and even after then the songs stand so strong with others like 'Denial and Radio Bikini' 
Whilst writing this I listening to it and I honestly just want to gush how bloody good it is, ahhhhhh! I could literally just keep adding to list of songs I love off of it.

In the week of The Vaccines releasing 'English Graffiti' I had the absolute pleasure of meeting them at a in store signing in Birmingham.
I wish I could tell you that I had an amazing chat with them about how bloody incredible and amazing their new album is but truth it I was so ridicuously nervous I got each to sign my album without muttering too much. However I got a lovely photo with Justin, they are all such lovely lovely people and were even apolgetic after being stuck in hours of traffic!
I waited a total of 3 and a half hours to see them, I tell you now it was so worth it.

My boyfriend however did manage to speak to them, and Justin said he is very pleased with the outcome of this album and I think to quote them themselves I'd give this a 20/20
